Ana Daugherty
Associate Professor
Ana Daugherty
Laboratory Web Site
Healthy Brain Aging Laboratory
Research Interests
Progressive and cumulative declines in brain structure and function are a hallmark of aging, and in greater severity constitute neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia. My current research evaluates possible MRI biomarkers of impending cognitive decline, as well as metabolic and vascular health risk factors (e.g., hypertension) and protective lifestyle behaviors (e.g., aerobic exercise) that modify human aging trajectories.
Dr. Daugherty directs the Detroit Aging Brain Study, which is a community-partnered longitudinal study going on 22 years in the Metro Detroit area to study changes in brain structure and function across the healthy, adult lifespan.
To learn more about the Healthy Brain Aging Lab and the Detroit Aging Brain Study: https://www.agingbrain.wayne.edu
Brain structure and function in aging.
Structural MRI; neuropsychological testing; cardiovascular health assessment.
Key Collaborators
Naftali Raz, Jeff Stanley, Jeske Damoiseaux, Noa Ofen, Nora Fritz