Alan Dombkowski
Laboratory Web Site
Research Interests
Under two federally funded grants we are studying molecular contributors to the epileptogenic potential of cortical tubers in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). We use genomic and bioinformatics technologies to characterize gene and protein expression patterns, microRNAs, mutations, and epigenetic modifications in human brain tissue resected for the treatment of intractable epilepsy. The outcomes of this research are expected to expand our understanding of epilepsy in TSC, identify novel therapeutic targets, and improve diagnostic imaging methods.
Tuberous sclerosis complex, Epilepsy.
Human (brain tissue, cell culture)
Next-generation sequencing, Microarrays, RT-PCR, Proteomics.
Key Collaborators
Harry Chugani, Diane Chugani, Eishi Asano, Paul Stemmer.